“Keep moving!” Peter set sails to explore the new paths of his career. Come and watch his adventurous journey into the depths of CA Method.
Peter loves new challenges. He is one the founding employees who, nine years ago, grabbed the chance to transform the original paper version of CA Method into online diagnostic tool. For long years our company profited from his precision and his attention to detail. His constant urge to improve things around him pushed forward not only our products but pushed him as a person as well.
A year ago Peter needed a change. Let’s say a step forward, or aside, or up or down the path? :) “The developing years were great experience, but one day I realized that from now on I want to talk with people, not computers”, explains the senior developer, who is driven by a profound need to help people and ability to experience the results of his work firsthand. This is very essential to him. Thanks to his high inner need of cooperation and leadership he was able to set his next goal: take responsibility for project management.
New role asks for new perspective and so he is one of the most handsome IT guys in the central Europe :) at this moment under great pressure. On the outside we can observe ravishing absorption of new information. As an innovator and strategist he needs to understand the full context of his work. To see the bigger picture. And that is in case of projects using CA Method quite a view. A 360-degree wide view!
No wonder he is now reaching the limits of his capacity to overcome obstructions. He also feels to be overloaded when understanding and utilizing new information. He certainly has the capacity to reach his goal, but he desperately needs a support from people around him. Fortunately, you can always find people ready to offer a helping hand in our company.
Now it’s clear that Peter will seize his new role with grace and smile. With smile that actually never leaves his face.