Daniel (Jobs :)) Holešínský is our Chief Technology Officer and whenever you bring him some exciting high-tech news you will only find out that he has already read about it at least five times and countlessly tweeted about it as well. He can design nifty and classy software and offer you different points of view concerning its development. High rationality strikingly combines in him with technological skills flavoured with aesthetic feeling and with feeling for the finest coolture :)
Designing huge portal solutions is no longer a challenge for Dan. With calm expression he will neatly write everything down in his well ordered notebook. If he only had a chance to crawl into some kind of a den, in a week he would present highly functional prototype to the whole wide world. But…
In our company he must also act as a manager of the development team and to reach the desired goal he must work in cooperation with other developers. Therefore his precious time is always reduced by the work delegation and knowledge transfer related tasks. All this can be very demanding mainly under pressure and on top of that Dan’s chart shows that he prefers individual work over sharing common goals and cooperation. All in all, the easier the communication with artificial intelligence is for someone the harder they communicate with real people.
Whichever talented and gifted people lead the team, in terms of small companies they must focus also on their “own” people, their needs and attentive communication with them. Sometimes it is all about setting the right processes, for instance periodic reporting (e.g. in terms of our IT crowd an online company notice-board works greatly). Regarding the internal communication the best thing one can do is to understand specific traits of every member. Diagnostics of team members is a sure first step for us followed by everyday work with its results, the work with people. And that requires attention and time.
Indeed, Dan cannot clone himself, but knowing his individualism he tries to embrace open arms policy as one of his priorities for his IT crowd together with now and then uttering few kind words. :)