Organized corporate events are surely a popular tool of HR staff. The events are supposed to contribute in improving atmosphere in the company as well as mutual cooperation of team members. And the truth is that good interpersonal relations tend to be a stable basis for corporate performance. But on the other hand, the friendly atmosphere has to be bounded by fixed rules and corporate processes which support the financial objectives of the company.
Monkeys, hippos or parrots. Animals help our company to get people together. And at the same time we help animals. On regular basis, we sweep out cages, rake leaves or transport excess dirt away from the enclosures. We participate in the Ostrava Zoo volunteer program. And, after a half-day of work we all get licked by long giraffe tongues. Feeding them has been a pleasant reward for us for five years. Another reward of course, is the warm feeling we get by helping animals and their keepers.
And what do we take from that into our jobs?
The activity has a definite positive effect on atmosphere in the group. This fact goes beyond whether we simply feel good or bad at work. In terms of HR, the atmosphere is a very important factor. It tells us how an individual is going to react and work with information. It tells us if the person is going to work proactively, problematically or in a blocking way. And it also tells us how they are going to encourage efficiency and performance of the group.
We differentiate three key types of climates in eight qualitative zones. We can talk about growth climates or climates which are problematic and blocking. In addition, we use popular climate names, such as The Valley of War. A person in this climate never stops enforcing their views concerning working tasks, company objectives or working results not only on themselves but also on others. At the same time they refuse to accept a compromise or take into account given conditions. This climate is neither very stable nor long-term. It occurs in case of rather strong, open conflicts. It also accompanies some developmental and generational changes.
It’s a fact that each person contributes to the quality of social climate in groups. High-quality relationship climate has a direct impact on efficiency in companies. It’s been so much discussed lately. Through volunteer work companies gain both better corporate atmosphere and also improved performance. Ethical behaviour of the team might be improved as well as cohesion and other important aspects accompanying group work. And finally, it will be reflected in increased number of common topics discussed at lunch or on bulletin board.
So, let’s go to the zoo! :)