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Diagnostics of Educational Motivation of Students

The effectiveness and quality of education largely depend of the strength and structure of the motivation for learning. Research of motivation is one of the important tasks of psychology, the solution of which allows us to approach the understanding of the driving forces, causes and internal mechanisms of human behavior.

George Simonek, the CEO of DAP Services and Vladimir Glazunov, the director of RCT contributed by their article on the motivation of students for education in the proceedings published for the conference SYSTEMATIC EDUCATION SYSTEM “SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY”. INNOVATION AND PERSPECTIVES.

Among the factors that have a significant impact on the educational motivation of schoolchildren can be identified such as:
– the relationship with the educational system, with the school where
the child is studying;
– organization of the educational process;
– relationships with classmates;
– subjective features of the teacher and the relationship with the students;
– the specifics of the subject and the attitude of the student to it.

Read more in the article.