We shall show you how to work with colour association diagnostics in HR, as well as in sports or health, at the Partners Meeting event, which is going to be held in Ostrava on 3rd October 2019. It is intended for all DAP Services’ business partners and invited company representatives who would like to use smart data during their work.
The detailed programme can be found on the Partners Meeting 2019 website. During the morning, we plan to show you how to measure soft skills quality using a network of business partners based in Germany. Then we shall introduce our new HR Solution portal, which focuses on all parts of the HR process.
In the afternoon, DAP Services’ partners will reveal what innovative intervention procedures they use in the field of sports, what associations uncover about your health or how to collect smart data using the CA method.
The aim of the event is to meet and make contacts. Our guests have the option to book a meeting or to consult technical, methodological and marketing aspects of working with the CA method. They can also take advantage of the accompanying programme and try out the products of other inspirational startups. The afternoon will end with an informal tour and refreshments in our new premises.