New representations for the exclusive use of the CA method in the field of HR have been established in Germany, Austria and Sweden

Unique use of the method in German-speaking countries

In Germany and Austria, there are now two exclusive representations for CA method products in the field of HR. Softskillers Deutschland and Softskillers Österreich can be found in the list of our business partners. Both partners now hold the unique right to use the CA method for HR products in their country.

It is not only Softskillers diagnostics, but a complete portfolio of online HR Solution products based on CA method diagnostics, which solve HR processes from recruitment, through onboarding to employee development aa well as bringing unique information for them in creating virtual teams.

Sweden also uses the CA method

The Swedish company MONOVAZ has the privileged right to use HR products based on the CA method within its country. All employees and their consulting network have already been trained in all HR products.

You can find a list of business partners on the DAP Services website. It can be filtered by countries or by areas in which individual partners work with us. If you are missing and you are our partner, we will be happy to add you to the list.