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DAP is an industry pioneer in the science of color association in market research and education. Its patented Color-Word Association Technique (CWAT) measures patterns of behavior using a color scale instead of traditional questionnaires or surveys, provoking a response that cannot be consciously influenced, ignored or interrupted.CWAT is a revolutionary method that combines psychology with scientific knowledge from neuroscience, medicine, biology, mathematics, sociology, statistics and information technology. The technique uses a palette of eight colors and calibrated sets of words, which can be adjusted according to a particular question or problem.The key differentiator that makes DAP a pioneer in the field is its ability to add stimuli (such as pictures, words, songs, video clips, and even aromas) to the color scale to trigger the most comprehensive and accurate responses. Neuronal pathways are stimulated within a millisecond by the connection of the color and the stimuli. These provoke associations to which the person is instructed to react via colors. DAP evaluates these responses and accurately describes how a person experiences and processes information.

How does DAP achieve this with eight colors, or more precisely, eight colored spheres? Colors in this diagnostic method do not represent the symbolic meaning of colors, as people often assume. The reason for using colors in detecting associations and their psychological dynamic in a complexly structured psychological field is that each color represents a part of an exactly measurable frequency field of color radiation. For more specifics and clinical proof, please download the PDF.
Identifying or naming colors is not an objective of the technique. It is not essential that the person can name a certain color in the sphere as red, orange, fiery red or blood red, for example, but rather that the color frequency waves pass through the human eye to the brain.

With a user interface that’s simple enough for even children to use, CWAT is used worldwide since it is not affected by cultural factors, language, education or respondents’ previous experiences with any type of testing or measuring.

DAP believes that the color word association technique has the potential to provide help in diverse areas of human activity and to improve the quality of life of people of all ages.