lecturer: Jiri Simonek
language: English
time: 90 min
price: 45 Eur
time for online webinar: 3pm /GMT+1
1. Welcome participants - 5 minutes
2. Individual - 25 minutes
2.1. How to correctly link and interpret parameters important for change
2.2. Choosing the right adaptation model for change
2.3. What can slow down and block change
2.4. How to communicate change
3. Group - 25 minutes
3.1. Set up the group for the adaptation process
3.2. How to correctly link and interpret parameters important for change
3.3. What can slow down and block change
3.4. How to communicate change
3.5. Repeat measurement and appropriate timing to compare results - 10 minutes
4. Q&A - 25 minutes
It is possible to participate online or get a webinar record - both for the same price 45 EUR, (webinar record does not include the discussion of participants). Online participants will get the record automatically.
lecturer: Jiri Simonek
language: English
time: 90 min
price: 45 Eur
time for online webinar: 3pm /GMT+1
It is possible to participate online or get a webinar record - both for the same price 45 EUR, (webinar record does not include the discussion of participants). Online participants will get the record automatically.
lecturer: Jiri Simonek
language: English
time: 90 min
price: 45 Eur
time for online webinar: 3pm /GMT+1
It is possible to participate online or get a webinar record - both for the same price 45 EUR, (webinar record does not include the discussion of participants). Online participants will get the record automatically.
lecturer: Jiri Simonek
language: English
time: 90 min
price: 45 Eur
time for online webinar: 3pm /GMT+1
It is possible to participate online or get a webinar record - both for the same price 45 EUR, (webinar record does not include the discussion of participants). Online participants will get the record automatically.