Centrum kompetencji
В течение многих лет мы организуем тренинги, семинары и конференции с участием руководителей, специалистов и административного персонала. Мы можем организовать обучение по любому вопросу или теме.
Список наших семинаров никогда не закрывается. В дополнение к текущему предложению, которое вы можете найти на нашем сайте, мы открыты к вашим предложениям. Мы обладаем обширной базой знаний и работаем большим количеством специалистов, что дает нам солидный опыт, который мы рады применить в организации наших тренингов, мастер-классов и семинаров. В соответствии с нашей миссией “Наши знания для вашей компетенции” мы будем рады поделиться с вами нашим опытом, знаниями и информацией из многих областей.
Сегмент рынка: Образование
Адрес в интернете: www.centrumkompetencji.pl
Страна: Польша
Engage Hill
Balance management и Colourmind
Баланс менеджмент (Balance management) это набор высококачественных продуктов, предназначенных для объективного измерения стереотипов в области саморазвития. Сами измерения базируется на естественном взаимодействия конкретных стимулов с помощью цветов, что позволяет нам принимать во внимание не только рациональную компоненту, но и также физическую, эмоциональную и социальную составляющие. Таким образом, результаты приносят совершенно реалистичный, точный и объективный взгляд на текущее положение дел, что необходимо для дальнейшего принятия решений - будь то форма какого-либо конкретного развития или планирование будущих изменений.
ColourMind измеряет субъективные и невербальные реакции потребителей с использованием цвета (т.н. ассоциативную технику “цвет-объект”). Методика отражает присутствие рациональных, эмоциональных, соматических и социальных систем восприятия. Это позволяет прогнозировать поведение и реакции потребителей в отношении брендов, продуктов или коммерческих связей.
Сегмент рынка: Управление персоналом, Исследования рынка
Internet address: www.engagehill.com, www.balancemanagement.com, www.colourmind.com
Страны: Чешская Республика, Словакия, Великобритания
ERUDITIO PUBLICA o.p.s. is a non-profit organization which was established in July 2011 on the initiative of its founders.
We realize educational, methodical, research and consulting activities in the field of lifelong learning. In this area we carry out research in the field of education, we process new topics and thematic areas, we create the innovative methodology, including promoting of the using of modern technology in the learning process.
Market segment: Education
Internet address: www.eruditiopublica.com
Country: Czech Republic
Focal Point Strategies
With over 20 years of experience, Focal Point Strategies possesses essential elements and pivotal resources for companies who need their quality products and services to be brought to market with the professionalism it deserves to achieve the success they envision.
With a strong background in business development, sales, and fundraising, the partners of Focal Point Strategies joined together to create a proven system of successful sales and marketing. Focal Point Strategies offers a unique business model consistent with their philosophy of having skin in the game along with their clients.
Market segment: Marketing, HR
Internet address: www.focalpointstrategies.com
Country: Israel, United States
Freeman Consulting
Personal counseling and educational company Freeman Consulting specializes in diagnostics, counseling and personality development. We provide services to companies and individuals as well.
Each individual has his/her own personal characteristics, features and background, which they need not to be fully aware of. Freeman helps to uncover and label these features with the help of a diagnostic method. Freeman consultants know hot use the method and its results to help the client sensitively to find the right way and use the outcome for the client’s own benefit. We build on personal freedom, responsibility of the client and we help them to become acquainted with all the possibilities and path finding so that a man can succeed in his/her professional and personal life.
Market segment: Human resources, education, sport
Internet address: www.freemanconsulting.cz
Country: Czech Republic
GISP Management Inc.
GISP Management Inc. is a modern company that works on the global market. Our goal is to support and develop business relationships between the Eastern Europe and the USA in the framework of various international projects for securing the needs and comfort of people on both shores of Atlantic.
GISP Management Inc. is participant in specific patent and know-how transfer from Eastern Europe to USA and vice versa, they support research and its application in practice and invest into selected transnational projects that bring success to both parties involved.
Market segment: Human resources
Internet address: www.gispmanagement.com
Country: Slovakia, United States
HDTS - Hockey Development Training System
Our goal is to support more effective preparation for hockey players by means of establishing Hockey Development Centers (HDCs) or a kind of product subset.
We put emphasis on perfection of individual player’s skills and on their proper application, i.e. integration into a team preparation.
Market segment: Sport
Internet address: www.hockeydts.com
Country: Slovakia, Russia
HR Partner
Agencija “HR Partner” iz Novog Sada je kao svoju misiju definisala pružanje kvalitetnih usluga iz oblasti savetovanja u vezi sa upravljanjem zaposlenima u malim i srednjim organizacijama.
Rezultat naše misije će biti kvalitetno obavljeni povereni poslovi, kao i poverenje klijenta nastalo na osnovu zadovoljstva ostvarenom saradnjom i njenim rezultatima.
Market segment: Human resources
Internet address: www.hrpartner.rs
Country: Serbia
Humans Development
“Um“ – (art, development, mind, respect, magic, power) these attributes can be used to describe our company. They represent the main point of our work, change in the area of development, education and counseling.
Our work and experience takes up on 15 years of Human’s operation in the Czech and Slovak Republic. The main mission of our company is to be a professional partner to all those who are interested in developing a reinforcing their competence, their behavior and their decision making (businessmen, administration, managers, directors, company owners)
Market segment: Human resources
Internet address: www.humans.cz
Country: Czech Republic, Slovakia
Ki-Wi Digital
Ki-Wi Digital is an ICT company which develops unique digital signage and software for displays and interactive kiosks. Designed for retailers, advertisers, real estate agencies, municipalities and government, Ki-Wi enables customers to increase sales and enhance the customer experience.
Since 2007 Ki-Wi Digital has grown from two employees to over 20. Ki-Wi is headquartered in Czech Republic with R&D in Slovakia and a sales office in San Francisco, California.
Market segment: HR, Marketing
Internet address: http://www.kiwi-digital.com
Country: Czech Republic, United States
Kredit Ltd.
KREDIT Ltd. - company for further education of adults that was founded in 1994 by a group of experts whospecialized in the area of education of adults as an independent Slovak legal subject with no foreign capital. In its operation it leans against experience gained in cooperation with Swiss, British and other western educational and training projects.
During the time of its operation KREDIT has gained several grants in a public tender - for development and realization of long-term educational and training programs for managers in the business sphere and in the public service. The donors were European Union and British Know How Fund.
KREDIT Ltd. is a certified educational company according to STN EN ISO 9001:2000 by DEKRA-ITS-Certification Services GmbH Stuttgart, Germany, reg. certificate no.: 91102968 for these areas:
- Education of adults - distance learning, everyday learning and coaching.
- Organizing conferences, specialized seminars, training, courses and retraining.
- Development of new educational and training materials.
- Expert and counseling and consulting activity with the intention of managerial a personal development and the development of an organization.
KREDIT Ltd. has a managerial quality system introduced since 2nd May 2002.
Market segment: Human resources, Education
Internet address: www.kreditke.sk
Country: Slovakia
LYRIX Centrum Ltd.
Our educational company will help you achieve success without you having to act like some attack dogs. Or else, old habits die hard. But if you really want…
We realize activities, in which we assist with our easygoing and professional attitude in a comfortable environment we help to solve practical problems and dilemmas, which the customers meet with in their personal and professional lives.
We are not advocates of a formal attitude and theorizing, but we know that using “your own head and sensibility” is the best way to make decision about how to deal with problems and dilemmas.
We will provide our customers with new information, advice and suggestions with help of which they will gain assurance that they are able to solve their problems and dilemmas by themselves and to their own satisfaction.
Our attitude to customers and workers is based on mutual cooperation, openness and trust.
Market segment: Human resources
Internet address: www.lyrix.cz
Country: Czech Republic
MindStream Ltd.
A modern company specializing in on-line applications market.
Marketing diagnostics
Psychometric applications development
Entertaining and training applications and games development (topic: development of business potential of companies and of the individual potential of individuals)
Market segment: Market research
Internet address: www.mindstream.cz
Country: Czech Republic
NAR marketing Ltd.
NAR marketing s.r.o. is a marketing company with a significant specialization in e-business processes in the area of purchase and supply relationships marketing, especially in the environment of B2B market. NAR is a member of Czech Marketing Society (Česká marketingová společnost). The director, Mr. Miloslav Kaplan, is one of the few tens of certified CMS specialists. Furthermore, they provide e-business services to institutions and companies, in which the selection procedure is regulated by the Public Procurement Law.
Market segment: Human resources - purchasing teams
Internet address: www.nar.cz
Country: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Croatia
PRAXISCOM present on the market since 2011 and has completed more than 30 projects for the public and private ownership.
PRAXISCOM, as the leading russian project management and consulting agency based in Moscow is the first russian speaking partner that will guarantee for the quality of the color association based products in the field of project management for the whole russian speaking territory.
Market segment: Human resources
Internet address: www.praxiscom.ru
Country: Russia
Prof. DR Marijana Mladenovic
Professor of Sports psychology at College of Sports & Health, Belgrade, Serbia (Head of specialization studies at the Sports Coaching Department).
Psychological preparation is an integral part of the overall preparation of athletes.Along while athletes work on conditional training, and learn the techniques and tactics, it is necessary to systematically and continuously practice mental preparation as well. This psychological factor is often taken for granted, since it is assumed that, over time, selection process will separate those „strong minded“ from weaker ones, and that that would be enough for showing good sport results. In modern sport, however, nothing is left to chance, neither the psychological factor. If athletes have similar qualities in sport, usually what decides the winner is a better psychological preparation. Psychological functioning of athletes is not a matter of coincidence or bad luck that could be blamed for bad results, but a parameter that is susceptible to systematic training and constant improvement, and can also be put under the athlete’s control.
Market segment: Sport
Internet address: www.sportskipsiholog.rs
Country: Serbia
Redburn Solutions Ltd.
A company from Belfast that specializes in the area of education and health service. A successful projects resolver in 7th framework program - FP7.
In 2013 the company introduces a product for schools that is based on CA method - Inner School Evaluation - on the English speaking countries market.
Market segment: Education, Health service
Internet address: www.redburnsolutions.eu
Country: United Kingdom, United States
RPIC-ViP Ltd. is an educational, innovative and counseling company that partakes in the market since 1999. The management has more than twenty years of experience in the area of projects management. Together with its subsidiary Specialist Service, RPIC-ViP belongs to the strongest educational and counseling organizations with entirely Czech capital in the Czech Republic.
- RCIP-ViP offers services of more than 50 qualified consultants and project managers.
- RCIP-ViP is at disposal of its clients in the whole of the Czech Republic.
- RCIP-ViP participates in the dynamic development of regions in CZ and its experts are also involved in programs in the context of the whole Europe.
Market segment: Human resources, education
Internet address: www.rpic-vip.cz
Country: Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium
SOFO Group Inc.
We are a professional counseling company that offers its clients a complex counseling services in these areas:
Business process optimalization - see SOFO Optimalization
Implementation of management systems according to international ISO standards - see SOFO implementation of standards and education
Counseling in the area of information technologies - see SOFO IT section
Complex services in the field of endowment counseling - see SOFO endowment counseling
BOZP and PO counseling - see SOFO Engineering
Our mission
Thanks to highly specialized qualification of our staff and the experience that we gained by long-term operation on the market, we are able to understand the needs of a customer and design a suitable solution for them that leads to reduction in costs and raise in their competitiveness.
We take pride in quality of our work and we try to gain and reinforce the trust of our clients. We prefer long-term relationships to short-term ones and the solutions we deliver we support operationally and we develop them.
Together we create managerial solution for gaining success with respect to the specific conditions and requirements of each client.
Market segment: Procedural analyses
Internet address: www.sofo.cz
Country: Czech Republic, Slovakia
VoiceItt Inc.
Talkitt helps millions of people with speech disabilities to speak freely!
Talkitt is an innovative solution that enables people who have motor, speech and language disorders to easily communicate using their own voice.
Market segment: Education, HR
Internet address: www.talkitt.com
Country: Israel, United States